We derive a generalized Manakov equation for multimode fiber to study the rapidly varying birefringence effects in space-division multiplexed fiber systems and show through numerical simulations th
Stresses developing in a planar waveguide resulting from the different thermal expansion coefficients of the substrate and the three glass layers (buffer, core and cladding) were analyzed using a f
A novel and practical polarization shuttle pulse (PSP) technique has been developed in measure the intrinsic birefringence in short lengths of nominally circular-core low-birefringence single-mode
We present an approach for manipulating and tuning birefringence in a microstructured optical fiber (MOF) by filling selected airholes with an index tunable polymer such that the cladding index pro
The 1 MHz dielectric properties for mixed phase polycrystalline ceramics of composition Bi sub 5 Ti sub 3 In sub x Sb x sub (1-x) O sub (15) are reported.
Two structural arrangements have been shown to exist for the perovskite-like compound BaBi(0.5)(3+)Bi(0.5)(5+)O(3) by powder neutron diffraction data.
A Built-In Self Test (BIST) approach for testing RAMs, ROMs, and PLAs embedded in VLSI devices is presented along with data regarding the resulting 3 percent to 5 percent increase in chip size.
A novel built-in self-test (BIST) architecture and a test pattern generator (TPG) design methodology to program this architecture are presented for inter-IC interconnects among combinational non-bo
A Built-In Self-Test (BIST) methodology and a test pattern generation (TPG) architecture for testing static random access memory (SRAM) interconnect at board level via IEEE 1149.1 Boundary Scan (BS
We present a BIST-based approach able to detect and accurately diagnose any single and most multiple faulty programmable logic blocks (PLBs) in Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs).