Digital error rate measurements are described for a 30 kHz cellular channel transmitting at a rate of 48 kbps using pi/4-DQPSK modulation.
This paper describes the preliminary results of the bit error rate measurements on a 30 kHz digital channel using Four Level DPSK modulation (pi/4-shift QPSK).
Cyclic prefixed communications, such as multicarrier communications, first became widely used in the context of digital subscriber lines (DSL).
A dependence of nonlinear transmission penalty om bit sequence length in pseudo-linear transmission is demonstrated and studied.
A dependence of nonlinear transmission penalty on bit sequence length in psendolinear transmission is demonstrated and studied.
The method we present is developed as part of an onboard satellite images compression with target ratios greater than 6.
In this manuscript we give both experimental and theoretical results that show the dispersion penalty caused by chirp in a DFB laser system is approximately proportional to the square of the bit ra
We present a comparative study of the capacity increase brought by bit- and power-loading discrete multi-tone (DMT) modulation for low-cost colorless transmitters.
We present an image compression algorithm that is suitable for transmitting a high-resolution (400 dot-per-inch) facsimile image over a packet network.
In this letter, we demonstrate the bit-error-rate (BER) performance enhancement of an all-optical clock recovery device at 42.66 Gb/s using a prefiltering operation in front of a self-pulsating sem