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DTA can successfully measure T(c) and hence the Li content for samples over most of the single phase range of LiNbO3.

Indium alloyed GaAs crystals are analyzed quantitatively for indium by non-destructive 14 MeV neutron activation analysis.

We propose to use digital holography to characterize long multi-mode fiber links.

INTRODUCTION: The generally accepted definition for thermal analysis is "A term covering a group of technique in which a physical property for a substance and/or its reaction product(s) is measure

To address performance limitations of conventional thermal interface materials (TIMs), a metal micro-textured thermal interface material (MMT-TIM) has been developed that consists of a thin metal f

We characterize the 12 x 12 frequency-dependent transfer matrix, H(omega), of a six port photonic lantern spatial-multiplexer in a single-scan across the C-band using a swept-wavelength interferome

Triblock, diblock and random copolymers of poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) and poly(propylene oxide) (PPO) are used as molecular templates in poly(methyl silsesquioxane) (MSQ) matrices to fabricate ultr

Tellurite glasses are promising candidates for optical fiber laser and amplifier applications because of their excellent optical and chemical properties.

An equivalent of the transport-of-intensity equation is derived in the temporal domain to describe the evolution of the instantaneous power of the electric field in a dispersive medium.

Multichannel Raman spectroscopy utilizing a CCD detector to be shown to be a sensitive technique for obtaining unenhanced Raman spectra of monolayer and multilayer Langmuir-Blodgett films.