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This paper describes the development of an ISDN-rate Sigma- Delta A/D converter. Included is a brief overview of Sigma-Delta Conversion.

An experimental trial of a 150-mc personal radio signaling system known as the Bellboy system was started in New York City in October I960.

The design of a low-power, burst-mode laser driver for use in passive optical networks (PON) is described. The laser driver can operate at 50 Mb/s or 155 Mb/s.

A Monolithic CMOS circuit which can amplify, slice and recover clock from a 16 Mb/s differential Manchester input has been built.

This paper describes the design and implementation of a W-band phased array system with integrated PCB antennas capable of multi-gigabit spectrallyefficient wireless communication.

IEEE This paper describes the design and implementation of a W-band phased-array system with printed circuit board (PCB) integrated antennas in two polarizations capable of multi-gigabit spectrally

First Page of the Article

We demonstrate record error-free transmission of a single 160 Gb/s RZ data channel at 1550 nm over 200 meters of free space.

We demonstrate a novel 160-Gb/s modulation format that employs phase inversion of every four consecutive bits in a group.

We demonstrate a novel 160-Gb/s modulation format that employs phase inversion of every four consecutive bits in a group.