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Displaying 1941 - 1950 of 47506

N January 25, 1915, telephone service was, with due ceremony, inaugurated between the Atlantic and Pacific Coasts of this country.

HE growth of the field of electric wave filters since their original discovery by Dr. G. A. Campbell shows the filtering action by no means inheres in any particular physical configuration.

HE well known expansion theorem given by Heaviside in Vol.

A formal generalization of Luce's (1959) choice axiom is shown to imply a choice model which is context sensitive.

A formal generalization of Luce's (1959) choice axiom is shown to imply a choice model which is context sensitive.

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Given a matrix M with all its entries either elements of some field F or indeterminates that only appear once in the matrix, we give a deterministic polynomial-time algorithm that tests whether the

A graph is called a multistage graph if its vertex set can be partitioned into subsets Vs, for some number s, and its edge set into subsets Ei,..., Es-1 such that Ei connects V,- with V,+i.

HE Reciprocal Theorem, an interesting a n d extremely imp o r t a n t relation of wide applicability, which was discovered by Lord Rayleigh, is stated by him in the language of electric circuit the

We devise a new data structure, the L-suffix, which is a generalization to square matrices of McCreight's suffix tree for a string[17].

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