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Displaying 1961 - 1970 of 47506

Heterogeneous Networks (HetNets) are seen as an effective solution for improving network capacity, offloading traffic and optimizing coverage.

The fundamental innovation of the Software-Defined Network architecture lies within the separation between the control plane and the data plane.

We study the MIMO wireless channel, and derive a generic channel model that we believe has the ability to explain all important effects, including (i) interdependency of directions-of-arrival and d

We propose a tool for assessing the performance of soft-input forward error correction codes with recorded optical transmission experiments.

A generic weight-proportional max-min (WPMM) policy has been proposed for the ATM available bit rate (ABR) service.

Vol. 54, No. 6, July-August 1975 Printed in U.S.A. A Geometric Derivation of Forney's Upper Bound By J. E.

To identify a malfunction is always difficult. The great size, complexity, and speed of modern digital machines render this difficulty severe.

The notion of quadratic loss is used to arrive at a formal definition of Taguchi's 'signal to noise' ratio.

Processing and analyzing massive real-world graphs rapidly has emerged as a key challenge in data analysis in recent years.

The analysis of digital communication systems from a geometrical viewpoint--the viewing of waveforms as points in a signal space and the identification of cross-correlation with the formation of an

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