The COS system for Cray's X/MP series supports a guest facility, under which Unicos, their version of UNIX(R) System V, can run as a subsystem in a fixed partition of the machine.
Vision is such an awesome experience that we allude to it time and again in our language. Seeing is believing. Leonardo da Vinci was a man of vision. Love is blind.
If our long-sought quest to create autonomous anthropomorphic automata is to succeed, we must first impart human perceptual capabilities to machines.
This paper summarizes a discussion session on standards implementation.
N 1931 Davisson and Calbick showed 1 that a circular aperture in a conducting plate which separates regions with different electric gradients normal to the surfaces acts as an electron lens of foca
We demonstrate a half wave plate whose principle of operation is based on the strong evanescent field coupling between two metal layers with arrays of subwavelength slits.
Last year, the official BitTorrent client switched to LEDBAT, a new congestion control algorithm targeting a lower-than Best Effort transport service.
The viability of real-time narrow-band voice coding with good speech quality and high intelligibility will be demonstrated. We describe a hardware implementation of the U.S.
Presumably a Brain Computer Interface may be used (among many other applications) for curing chronic headache. But BCIs are also good in giving you one.
In this work we address the problem of power allocation for interfering transmitter-receiver pairs so that the probability that each queue length exceeds a specified threshold is fixed at a desired