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Displaying 2011 - 2020 of 47506

Service negotiation allows a service client to negotiate with a service provider on the terms of service.

This paper proposes a hierarchical feedback technique to solve the problem of massive feedback overhead in multiuser (MU-) multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) transmission, which is a serious obs

Until symbolic links were added, the UNIX life system was a logically consistent hierarchy.

In this paper, we propose a new language model which represents long-term dependencies between word sequences using a multilevel hierarchy.

Components of a System (i.e., Units, Shelves, or Modules) cannot meaningfully be tested for system-level emissions compliance by themselves.

A hierarchical modulation scheme is proposed to upgrade an existing digital broadcast system, such as satellite TV, or satellite radio, by adding more data in its transmission.

An innovative analysis strategy for telecommunication service provisioning has been developed.

Multi-disk systems, coupled with declustering schemes, have been widely used in various applications to improve I/O performance by enabling parallel disk accesses.

Multi-disk systems, coupling with declustering schemes, have been widely used in various applications to improve I/O performance by enabling parallel disk accesses.

We define and provide algorithms for computing a natural hierarchy of simulation relations on the state-space of ordinary transition systems, finite automata, and Buchi automata.

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