A novel liquid crystal phase was discovered which exhibits two seemingly incongruous characteristic features; namely, a smectic-A like layered structure along with a macroscopic (1micron) helical s
In the newly synthesized compound MORA12 (S-4-0-(6methyl) octylresorcylidene - 4'-dodecylaniline), we observed a novel intermediate phase (which we call O*) between two tilted smectic liquid cryst
The structure and phonons of an ordered ice surface, prepared in situ under ultra high vacuum conditions, have been studied by high resolution helium atom scattering.
The transmission of holograms over electrical channels is of interest not only because of the three-dimensional images obtainable with such a system but also because of the possible advantages of t
A complementary inverter configuration based upon two new heterostructure field-effect devices is proposed.
We present a heuristic for the following problem encountered in the design of certain telecommunication networks: given a set of multicommodity flows with preassigned priority values, and a network
Small patch antennas arranged in a matrix form are used in millimeter wave wireless devices. These types of antennas are not detachable from the devices.
Service negotiation benefits service providers and their clients.
The backoff hierarchical class n-gram language models (LMs) are a generalization of the common backoff word n-gram LMs.
The backoff hierarchical class n-gram language models (LMs) are a generalization of the common backoff word n-gram LMs.